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Traveling Internationally for the First Time

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Traveling internationally can be incredibly exciting, especially if it is the first time you are leaving the country. Here are some ways you can be better prepared for your journey.

The First Steps to Traveling Internationally

While planning to travel overseas for the first time can feel exciting, your lack of experience could cause you to feel anxious and unprepared. However, planning ahead can help to ease your mind and make the process feel like it is running more efficiently. If you have not already filed for your passport, this is the first step you need to take. Search for the Passport Acceptance Facility closest to you and bring your original birth certificate and a photo ID with you when you visit. Getting your passport in the mail could take anywhere from four to six weeks, but your passport will last for ten years. It is also a good idea to purchase international travel insurance so that you and your belongings are safe while you are overseas.

Determine If You Need to File for a Visa

This can be a complicated process because countries often change the rules about whether a visa is required or not. Research what rules are in place in the country you plan on visiting, and if you do need to purchase a visa, allow yourself plenty of time to complete the process.

Traveling on a Budget

While it might be more ideal to stay in a hotel while you’re away, a cheaper alternative is to stay in hostels or search for an organized campsite group. If you decide that camping is the best solution, remember to account for rainy weather. Another thing to research ahead of time is what the currency exchange rates are in the country you plan on visiting. While it is not a good idea to carry a large amount of cash with you everywhere you go, it is also not a great situation to have to keep paying fees each time you want to buy a cup of coffee either.

Plan for the Unexpected

If you knew every aspect of your trip beforehand, your journey would be boring. One of the best aspects of traveling to another country is not knowing what to expect. Some of the best memories are made when an unforeseen event happens, so embrace the unexpected with open arms.

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