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Why Do Airport Runways Cost So Much To Build? Thumbnail

Why Do Airport Runways Cost So Much To Build?

It’s a daunting 580+ pages of minutiae, but that’s kind of the point. Building a runway is even more complex than building a major highway/motorway, which has similar demands in terms of the need for an extremely well engineered surface, high levels of quality control in the materials used, and superior drainage. Runways, once constructed, must be capable of being kept in good repair for many years, including periodic removal of accumulated rubber and other foreign matter and at least one or two major resurfacings. However, it also is understood that runways can in effect “wear out” over time, and may require complete removal and replacement with a new multilayered runway in its place.

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Embrace Ice: 8 Cool Getaways Thumbnail

Embrace Ice: 8 Cool Getaways

Some people think the only cure for the doldrums of winter is sunshine. Far from it. Why not up the ante? Don’t suffer snow and ice at home when you can really do winter vacations and ice holidays in style.

From snow villages to pyrotechnic-laced skiing theater to ice hotels built from blocks of the cold stuff, we’ve created a roundup of the best frozen getaways around the world. With vacation ideas in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, the snowbirder in you can express its inner penguin almost any time of year.

Read the entire article with pictures here>>

I’ve Been To The Mountaintop Thumbnail

I’ve Been To The Mountaintop

On April 4th, 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. The night before he was assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his prophetic “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech.

In this stiring speech Dr. King looks back on his life and is thankful for all the positive changes in civil rights that occurred in his lifetime, and he is grateful to have lived in the second half of the 20th century when masses of people all over the world were standing up for freedom and human rights. 

Read the whole speech here…

Client Kidnapped While In Afghanistan Thumbnail

Client Kidnapped While In Afghanistan

Afghan and Coalition Forces Rescue American Doctor Who Was Kidnapped by Taliban



KABUL, Afghanistan — An American doctor kidnapped by the Taliban was rescued Sunday by Afghan and coalition forces in eastern Afghanistan, officials said. At least six people were killed, including a member of a U.S. special forces Navy SEAL team. Two Taliban leaders were arrested during the rescue. Read More »
How To Fly Through TSA Lines Thumbnail

How To Fly Through TSA Lines

By: Patricia Rust

Don’t you just love doin’ the TSA dance? Here are some steps to make it a more fun, fast and efficient one:

Wear socks. When your shoes have to come off, you don’t want your bare feet touching filthy floors. I saw a bed bug or some creepy crawler hopping around a TSA conveyer belt area so I like to get in and through as fast as possible and I don’t wish to invite dirt or bugs on my trip or take them with me home. Read More »