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Travel Tips for Children with Autism Thumbnail

Travel Tips for Children with Autism

The New York Times published an excellent travel article for parents of autistic kids.  A few travel tips to ease the stress of traveling on a plane are:

 Visit the airport ahead of time to familiarize your child. If possible, participate in a mock boarding experience. If none is available, call your local airport to see if they will allow you to show your child the ticketing counters, security lines and waiting areas in advance.

 Call the TSA Cares hot line — (1-855) 787-2227 — 72 hours before your flight to alert them that you might need assistance going through security.

 Call the airline ahead to alert them that you might need to board early or require additional assistance onboard. Read More »

Security Tips to Keep Safe On Your Next Trip Thumbnail

Security Tips to Keep Safe On Your Next Trip

Follow these simple security practices which can help keep you safe on your next international vacation:

  1. Vary your routes and times of arrival and departure to and from your hotel;
  2. Keep your rental vehicles locked and the windows rolled up at all times;
  3. Maintain a low profile; do not linger outside of supermarkets, restaurants or public spaces for too long;
  4. Be aware of what is around you;
  5. Be especially alert during times of entry and exit from a cab, store, restaurant and hotel;
  6. Always leave yourself an escape route when driving; do not allow yourself to be blocked in;

“Trust your instincts.  If a situation compels you to fear for your safety, your intuition is usually correct.”

Claims Advice from the Insurance Experts Thumbnail

Claims Advice from the Insurance Experts

We enjoy helping our clients get the most they can out of their insurance. Grace Morrow, our Group Plan Specialist, shares four claims tips:

Claim Tip #1 » Don’t wait to get us involved!

You’re a wise planner. You thought enough of your health, family and finances to purchase insurance from us, whether it was for a vacation, a volunteer trip or to cover you between jobs. So when it comes to using your insurance benefits, we hope you’ll remember to get your Insurance Services of America Client Advisor involved.

We know the claims process can be a challenge for even the most seasoned planners. You may forget to file your claims on time, you may forget to submit the appropriate information, but please don’t forget we’re here to help! Claims assistance is part of the service each of our clients receive, so don’t wait to ask us for help. Clients who allow us to assist with their claims get faster results than those who go it alone. Let us do the follow-up work for you to help resolve claims quicker. Read More »

Uncensored Safety Tips from a Nuclear Power Plant Operator Thumbnail

Uncensored Safety Tips from a Nuclear Power Plant Operator

Enjoy today’s featured article from our guest blogger who is also a client:

In my 20 years’ travel with the IAEA and nuclear power clients, I’ve had my share of “experience”; even my semi-diplomatic status with the UN does little to help.

Keeping yourself safe from passive pilferage is hard enough.  But, when traveling, whatever you do, don’t even consider accepting anything from, or doing anything involving, a stranger – wave-down taxi rides (not booked by the hotel), shell- and three-card monty games, “free” souvenirs, too-friendly locals (of either sex), shops with “deals of the century”, even thieves posing as police or government officials.   These are primarily in the “tourist areas” but not limited to by any means.   We Americans are friendly by nature and don’t want to be rude.  Without sounding too cynical, these folks gave up “politeness” and shame long ago, and are trying to survive in some very cruel places.  They are clever and motivated, and they understand your Western puppy-dog friendliness and how to use it against you.  Read More »

6 Frequently Asked Questions from US Travelers Thumbnail

6 Frequently Asked Questions from US Travelers

Q: Why should I be concerned about medical coverage abroad?

  • The Social Security Medicare Program does not provide coverage for hospital or medical costs outside the United States.
  • Many health insurance plans do not provide coverage overseas. Those that provide “customary and reasonable” hospital costs abroad may not pay for your medical evacuation back to the United States which can cost $10,000.00 and up depending on your location and medical condition.
  • Many foreign doctors and hospitals require payment in cash prior to providing service.
  • Uninsured patients may be refused service.
  • Countries with socialized medicine may not provide full services to non-residents.
  • Payment of hospital and other expenses abroad is the responsibility of the traveler.
  • Some countries require tourists to carry accident or travel insurance. Check the Country Specific Information for the countries you plan to visit for detailed information.

Q: What questions should I ask my health insurance company? Read More »

Requirements for US Citizens Entering Cuba Thumbnail

Requirements for US Citizens Entering Cuba

Cuba might be the most exotic destination in the Western Hemisphere.  Recently it has become easier to obtain a visa and travel to Cuba; however, the US State Department lists the following requirements that the Cuban government requires of US Citizens:

1. Valid US passport

2. Cuban Entry Visa – the US State Department advises you obtain it in advance

3.  non-US travel medical insurance policy Read More »

Travel Health Warning for Greece Thumbnail

Travel Health Warning for Greece

If you are traveling to Greece, then we highly recommend a low cost travel health insurance policy which includes emergency medical evacuation.  Contact Insurance Services of America or visit their website at for a instant quote.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has received information that there have been 11 additional P. vivax malaria cases identified in Greece; two locally-acquired cases in Greek residents with no previous travel, two possible relapses in patients who had locally-transmitted malaria in 2011, and seven cases in immigrants. Between January 1 and September 3, 2012, Greece has reported a total of 50 cases of malaria. Forty-two of those 50 cases occurred among immigrants from malaria-endemic countries and are thus believed to have been imported. However, some of these cases may have been locally acquired. Read More »

There Are Only Four CT Scanners in Haiti… and Other Things I’ve Learned at My Job Thumbnail

There Are Only Four CT Scanners in Haiti… and Other Things I’ve Learned at My Job

Like most of you, I’m not an insurance expert. As the marketing gal for Insurance Services of America I communicate who we are and what we have to offer, but I’m not an insurance agent.

Unlike most of you, I sit amongst very smart insurance experts who explain how insurance works every day. They’ve taught me–and I’ve overheard–some interesting and helpful things you might like to know too. So what are these nuggets of wisdom? Here are three:

1) There are only four CT scanners in Haiti.
Many of our clients travel to help impoverished people around the world, Haiti being one of the most popular destinations. The work being done in this country is priceless: building homes, administering medicine, feeding the hungry, and more. It is amazing to learn about the generosity of our clients.

A few months ago, one such client shared a story about his air evacuation from Haiti to Florida. Read More »

US State Department Travel Warning for Mexico Thumbnail

US State Department Travel Warning for Mexico

The State of Jalisco has declared a heightened security alert status following Mexican military/police operations near the Providencia and Valle Real communities in Guadalajara. The Consulate recommends that all American citizens take precautions and be vigilant to news reports regarding events in the state of Jalisco until the situation returns to normal.

The U.S. Consulate General in Guadalajara is located at 175 Progreso Street, Col. Americana, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The U.S. Consulate General in Guadalajara’s telephone number is 011 52 33 3268 2100; the fax number is 011 52 33 3825 1951. For after-hours emergencies, please call 011 52 33 3268 2145. Read More »