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Client Kidnapped While In Afghanistan Thumbnail

Client Kidnapped While In Afghanistan

Afghan and Coalition Forces Rescue American Doctor Who Was Kidnapped by Taliban



KABUL, Afghanistan — An American doctor kidnapped by the Taliban was rescued Sunday by Afghan and coalition forces in eastern Afghanistan, officials said. At least six people were killed, including a member of a U.S. special forces Navy SEAL team. Two Taliban leaders were arrested during the rescue. Read More »
How To Fly Through TSA Lines Thumbnail

How To Fly Through TSA Lines

By: Patricia Rust

Don’t you just love doin’ the TSA dance? Here are some steps to make it a more fun, fast and efficient one:

Wear socks. When your shoes have to come off, you don’t want your bare feet touching filthy floors. I saw a bed bug or some creepy crawler hopping around a TSA conveyer belt area so I like to get in and through as fast as possible and I don’t wish to invite dirt or bugs on my trip or take them with me home. Read More »

US State Department Travel Warning for Honduras Thumbnail

US State Department Travel Warning for Honduras

Traveling around the world has risk.  Limit your financial risk of unforeseen illness and accidents with a high quality travel insurance policy.

The Department of State has issued this Travel Warning for Honduras to inform U.S. citizens about the security situation in Honduras.

Tens of thousands of U.S. citizens safely visit Honduras each year for study, tourism, business, and volunteer work. However, crime and violence are serious problems throughout the country. Honduras has the highest murder rate in the world. San Pedro Sula is considered to be the world’s most violent city, with 159 murders for every 100,000 residents in 2011. These threats have increased substantially over the past several years, and incidents can occur anywhere. In January 2012, the Peace Corps withdrew its volunteers from the country to conduct an administrative review of the security situation.  Read More »

US State Department Travel Warning for Mexico Thumbnail

US State Department Travel Warning for Mexico

If you are traveling to Mexico, the we recommend purchasing a travel medical insurance policy.  The US State Department warns in every US Passport to check with your current health insurance company to ensure you are covered outside the US; furthermore, the US State Department warns that Medicare does not cover you abroad.  Contact us for a travel medical insurance quote.

The Department of State has issued this Travel Warning to inform U.S. citizens about the security situation in Mexico. General information on the overall security situation is provided immediately below. For information on security conditions in specific regions of Mexico, which can vary, travelers should reference the state-by-state assessments further below. Read More »

What is the Dirtiest Item in Hotels? Thumbnail

What is the Dirtiest Item in Hotels?

Researchers from the University of Houston took bacteria samples from several items in 9 hotel rooms in three regions of the United States.  Not surprisingly  the toilet and bathroom sink recorded high levels of bacteria but you might not realize that the TV remote control and the light switch on the bedside lamp had bacteria contamination 2 to 10 times the levels acceptable at hospitals; however,  the highest levels of bacteria contamination were found in the maid’s floor mop and sponge.   That’s a problem because it means that bacteria are being carried from room to room without being sanitized.  You can read the full article online.

There are a lot of different ways to become ill while traveling.  If your current health insurance plan does not cover medical expenses while you are traveling, then contact us for an affordable travel health insurance quote.

Sardines Have More Legroom Thumbnail

Sardines Have More Legroom

Travel reporter Hugo Martin talks about airline seats with Jan Breuckner, a UC Irvine economics professor who has studied airlines, and Barry Biffle, chief marketing officer of Spirit Airlines.