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50% of All International Travelers Are in Danger of This Thumbnail

50% of All International Travelers Are in Danger of This

We provide travel medical insurance to thousands of summer travelers traveling outside the US.  When asked what is the most common common insurance claim, it is customer’s who get a form of stomach or digestive illness on their trip.  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates nearly 50% of all international travelers will get ill from Travelers’ Diarrhea.  A few tips to staying healthy and preventing you from getting sick are: Read More »

Know These Details Before You Go! Thumbnail

Know These Details Before You Go!

If reading your insurance policy cover to cover doesn’t sound like your idea of a good time, you’re not alone. If you’ve purchased travel insurance recently, your mind is probably on other, more fun things—what to pack, the sites you’ll see, the foods you’ll get to eat…

But as insurance experts, we simply can’t stress enough how important it is to read your policy so you understand how the insurance plan works as well as its limitations. To get you started, here are the top four details you must know about your travel insurance before you go:

1. Pre-certification is a must. Emergency medical evacuations, hospitalizations and surgeries must be pre-certified with the insurance company to avoid any penalties and reduction in reimbursed claims. The number to call for pre-certifications is located on the back of your ID card.

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Countdown to the Olympics Opening Ceremony Thumbnail

Countdown to the Olympics Opening Ceremony

Don’t miss the Olympics’ opening ceremonies scheduled for 9pm in London on July 27, 2012!

Some handy tools:

Are you headed to the Olympics? We want to hear about it! Share your stories, suggestions and recommendations with us below. And, as always, if you need a fast, reliable quote on travel insurance, please visit this site or call an experienced Client Advisor at (800) 647-4589.

Tips For 4th of July Travel Thumbnail

Tips For 4th of July Travel

Swim suit…. check; Sunscreen… check.   Arrive to the airport early.. check.  Have  a fun and safe Independence Day Celebration.


Get Care While You’re There: A Guide to London’s Games Thumbnail

Get Care While You’re There: A Guide to London’s Games

37 days and counting until the Summer Olympics…

Not all of us are as quick on our feet as the athletes we’ll watch at the Summer Olympic games. So while you may be fortunate enough to get to participate as a spectator, like most of us you may be clumsy at times, prone to accidents, or have a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We certainly hope everyone’s trip to the Olympics is trouble-free, but just in case, our final installment of our Guide to London’s games offers useful tips on how to find help if you need it. Ready? Set…go!

How Do I Get Medical Care?

While medical services are widely available in London, free care under the National Health System (NHS) is allowed only for Read More »

Play It Safe: A Guide to London’s Games Thumbnail

Play It Safe: A Guide to London’s Games

The Summer Olympics are almost here!

In just 39 days, London will treat the world to its Summer Olympics Opening Ceremonies. If you’re lucky enough to be there in person, this second installment of our 3-part Guide to London’s Games, offers information on what London is doing to keep you and thousands of spectators safe during the Summer Olympic games. Here we go…

Is London Safe?

Kroll Security Analysts reports that there is a moderate risk for crime in London, although the overall crime rate fell by one percent in 2010 from 2009 figures, according to the London Metropolitan Police. In January 2012, the secretary-general of Interpol said his organization uncovered no specific intelligence indicating a threat to the Olympic Games by militants.

The most serious crime threat to foreigners in London comes from Read More »

Go for the Gold: A Guide to London’s Games Thumbnail

Go for the Gold: A Guide to London’s Games

The world will soon train itself on London, England as the city hosts the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Spectators from across the globe will travel to London see the world’s best athletes compete to win gold. In this 3-part Guide to London’s Games, we’ll address a few questions and welcome your feedback. Let’s go!

Can I Still Get Tickets?

According to a recent search at, tickets are still available for certain competitions, including some basketball, gymnastics and volleyball tournaments. There are still Olympic Games you can watch even without tickets. Read More »

Air Traffic Controller Strike in Portugal Thumbnail

Air Traffic Controller Strike in Portugal

Expect airport delays flying into, within and out of Lisbon including flight delays to Europe.  If you have purchased our Roundtrip trip insurance and will be traveling to Portugal on May 17-18 and 24-25, 2012, then please contact the 24 hour worldwide assistance telephone number on your ID card for trip delay assistance.    Read More »

Road Accidents: #1 Threat for Travelers Thumbnail

Road Accidents: #1 Threat for Travelers

This past weekend, 26 Boston University students studying in New Zealand were involved in a fatal three-vehicle collision. Sadly, three of those students lost their lives in the tragic accident, while one of the student drivers was air lifted to a hospital for treatment of life-threatening injuries. As reported in the Huffington Post,

The school said 26 students were traveling in three vans on their way to walk the Tongariro Crossing, a hike across a volcanic crater that is rated as one of New Zealand’s most spectacular. One of the minivans drifted to the side of the road around 7:30 a.m., then rolled when the driver tried to correct course near the North Island vacation town of Taupo, New Zealand police said….Study abroad program executive director Bernd Widdig called the deaths were the worst tragedy to hit the program since it began in the 1980s.”

More than any other cause of injury or fatality, road accidents pose the biggest threat to American travelers. According to a USA Today analysis: Read More »