Buckle Up and Don’t Forget to Pack Your AD&D Insurance
The United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ranks deaths resulting from accidents as the fourth leading cause of death for US citizens. Accidents include everything from car accidents, to falls and drowning. But US citizens traveling or living abroad also experience devastating accidents—those that kill or maim—at rates that shouldn’t be ignored.
The US Department of State shows that, sadly, between June 2003 to June 2016, there were at least 10,883 reported deaths of US citizens due to non-natural causes overseas. Of those fatalities, 29.5% were the result of vehicular accidents; 22.3% from homicides and terrorist actions; 15.7% from other accidents including train and aircraft accidents, natural disasters as well as falls, mountain climbing accidents and rafting; and 14% from drowning and maritime accidents. Read More »